I'm......nothing but homeless :(  

Posted by CiS

Just got back to Suria Mas. I found out I can't go to Genting and worst I'm homeless for like 2 weeks!!

Gab***el asked me to move out, and two people to change rooms in the same unit, just so that he can earn Rm100 more. What the?! Now it's so catastrophic, Everything is bagged up messily, and I need to rearrange them once more. This is a bad start to everything. I forgot to bring quite a lot of things and I hope my mom will Post Laju them with the keys as fast as possible.

God! Tell me this is not happening to me :(  

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 9:18 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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