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Posted by CiS

There were once three small shoots in the school compound. There were donated to the school on her 50th birthday and has been self-handly planted the by our ex-headmaster Mr 许兴梅. There, next to longhouse and among the junior one classes, stood these three newlings and it is there where their fresh green shirts of leaves sprouts. 

It was not until he came. How cruel of him to have stripped us naked. Our new shirts, torn, piece by piece on the ground, where we strive to survive. Thankfully, the soil in the school compound have gave us new life force. Under the sun's rays, we grew taller day after day. 

But, he came again! With a wooden stick in his hands, he stuck us stroke after another, like a thunder, into the bark. We were badly wounded but yet we still managed.!! Someone please save us!

by Teacher 田仕均

This is the translated version of the wonderful and touching poem written by this teacher, who dedicated most of his time for the environment. His love for nature has been greatful like mother nature herself. 

Coming back to school, the memories were close, yet there were so far. It was until the birth of this poem, had the students learnt to love these three shoots. 

Now, every single day, young juniors would stop by and fertilize and water these small trees and this my friend has sprouted a new generation of hope in the younger ones.

Even they could do it, why couldn't we? Save the enviroment, Save the WORLD!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 5:03 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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